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e t a

National Film Festival For Talented Youth - Audience Award

Dance Films Association Works-in-Progress Lab

L.A. Dance Film Festival

PÖFF Shorts

shots Presents

Source Creative

Filmatique Talents

Film Pulse Selects


Directors Notes

Film Shortage - Daily Short Pick

Consonance Music & Dance Festival - Best Dance Narrative

NYC Independent Film Festival

L.A. Dance Shorts Film Festival

Blow-Up Film Festival

ScreenDance Festival

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Dance narrative film collaboration with choreographer, lead dancer, and composer Alexis Floyd, E T A tells the story of one woman’s journey to fight the urge to isolate herself and instead connect to those around her to build a community.

Stream Alexis’ original song “Enough:”

Listen to Talia and Alexis on The NFFTY Podcast:

“Hypnotic and emotionally charged”

- Jamie Madge, shots Presents

“Makes a viewer reach within themselves and take flight”

- Jessica Peña, JumpCut